Laser Resurfacing 1540 XD Post Care
Apply cold water to treated area as needed to keep swelling down
Advil or Tylenol to help with discomfort
Do not cleanse or apply makeup today
Gentle cleanser and moisturizer in the PM
Do not work out or sweat for 24 hours
No use of hot tubs, steam room or sauna for 24
Wash with cold water in AM and moisturize as
SPF 50 Daily
No use of exfoliating products for 7 days
Swelling and redness for 3-4 days is totally
May feel dry for two weeks- moisturize as
Avoid sun exposure as the skin will be sensitive
after treatment
Normal for skin to breakout Post Treatment but
will significantly improve in 2-3 days
Laser Resurfacing 1540 XF Post Care
Apply cold water to treated area as needed to keep swelling down
Advil or Tylenol to help with discomfort
Use Benadryl for swelling for the first night or two
if needed
Do not cleanse or apply makeup today
Gentle cleanser and moisturizer PM
Do not work out or sweat for 24 hours
No use of hot tubs, steam room or sauna for 24
Wash with cold water in SM and moisturize as
SPF 50 Daily
No use of exfoliating products for 7 days
Swelling and redness for 5-7 days is totally normal
May feel dry for two weeks- moisturize as needed
Avoid sun exposure, hats & glasses suggested
Normal for skin to breakout Post Treatment but
will significantly improve in 2-3 days
IPL Post Care
Apply cold water to treated area as needed to cool down area
Do not cleanse or apply makeup today
Wash with cold water in AM & PM
Use SPF 50 twice daily, mix with day
Do not work out or sweat for 24 hours
No use of Hot tub, Steam room or Sauna
for 24 hours
No use of exfoliating products for 7 days
Pigmentation areas will get darker and fall
off naturally, don’t pick
Avoid sun exposure as the skin will be
more sensitive following your IPL - hats & glasses recommended
Laser Hair Removal Post Care
Apply ice pack to treated area as needed
Do not work out or sweat for 24 hours
No Hot tub, Steam room, or Sauna for 24
Exfoliate area in 3 days and at 7 days
Do not pick or pull any hairs in treated area
Hair will slough off as it grows out of the
Avoid sun exposure and use SPF 50 as the
skin will be more sensitive following treat-
Normal for skin to breakout Post treatment
but significantly improves in 2-3 days
PRP Microneedling Post Care
Leave all products on day of treatment
Cleanse with cold water only in AM
Apply clear serums & light creams, no foundation, use powder if needed
Use cold water
Day 4 use hydrating creams & serums
Exfoliate exactly in one week
Continue with medical grade products
Normal to feel dry first few weeks
Keep treatment area clean at all times, no touching face & clean phone regularly
Microneedling Post Care
Leave all products on day of treatment
Do not cleanse until following morning, use cold water day & night
Apply only clear serums, light creams, toners & SPF for 4 days after treatment, no foundations or heavy creams
Day 4 continue regular skin care regime
Exfoliate on day 7
It’s normal to feel dry for two weeks
Keep treated area clean, clean cell phone regularly & keep hands off!
Facial Post Care
Leave all products on this evening
Do not apply any makeup following treatment
Avoid touching your face
Splash with cold water in AM
Use medical grade cleanser with cold water PM
Continue with skin care regimen
Leave any remaining pustules and apply toner to them
Do not pick or extract any breakouts for two weeks
Clean phone with alcohol daily
Skin usually breaks out post facial, in 2-3 days skin will be significantly improved
Chemical Peel Post Care
Do not cleanse your skin today
Do not work out or sweat for 12 Hrs
No use of Hot tub, Steam room, Sauna or warm shower for 12 Hrs
No use of any Exfoliating products for 6 days
Wash with cold water in AM
Use SPF 50 daily + small amount of cream
On Day 4 start use of moisturizing products
On Day 6 Exfoliate
No Retinol products for 2 weeks prior
Avoid sun as the skin will be more sensitive following your chemical peel, hats & glasses suggested!
PRP Hair Post Care
Do not wash your hair for the next day or two
Keep injection areas clean and dry
Do not wear dirty hats
May experience headache and local nerve sensitivity but will resolve quickly
Avoid hot tubs, saunas or hot showers for several days.
Dermaplaning Post Care
Avoid touching your face
Redness will dissipate in several hours
Small red abrasions will clear in a day or two
Use a medical grade cleanser with cold water before bed
Moisturize daily as needed
Use of SPF 50 daily
Continue with your skin care regime the following morning using cold water